45 research outputs found

    Single-board Device Individual Authentication based on Hardware Performance and Autoencoder Transformer Models

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    The proliferation of the Internet of Things (IoT) has led to the emergence of crowdsensing applications, where a multitude of interconnected devices collaboratively collect and analyze data. Ensuring the authenticity and integrity of the data collected by these devices is crucial for reliable decision-making and maintaining trust in the system. Traditional authentication methods are often vulnerable to attacks or can be easily duplicated, posing challenges to securing crowdsensing applications. Besides, current solutions leveraging device behavior are mostly focused on device identification, which is a simpler task than authentication. To address these issues, an individual IoT device authentication framework based on hardware behavior fingerprinting and Transformer autoencoders is proposed in this work. This solution leverages the inherent imperfections and variations in IoT device hardware to differentiate between devices with identical specifications. By monitoring and analyzing the behavior of key hardware components, such as the CPU, GPU, RAM, and Storage on devices, unique fingerprints for each device are created. The performance samples are considered as time series data and used to train outlier detection transformer models, one per device and aiming to model its normal data distribution. Then, the framework is validated within a spectrum crowdsensing system leveraging Raspberry Pi devices. After a pool of experiments, the model from each device is able to individually authenticate it between the 45 devices employed for validation. An average True Positive Rate (TPR) of 0.74+-0.13 and an average maximum False Positive Rate (FPR) of 0.06+-0.09 demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach in enhancing authentication, security, and trust in crowdsensing applications

    MTFS: a Moving Target Defense-Enabled File System for Malware Mitigation

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    Ransomware has remained one of the most notorious threats in the cybersecurity field. Moving Target Defense (MTD) has been proposed as a novel paradigm for proactive defense. Although various approaches leverage MTD, few of them rely on the operating system and, specifically, the file system, thereby making them dependent on other computing devices. Furthermore, existing ransomware defense techniques merely replicate or detect attacks, without preventing them. Thus, this paper introduces the MTFS overlay file system and the design and implementation of three novel MTD techniques implemented on top of it. One delaying attackers, one trapping recursive directory traversal, and another one hiding file types. The effectiveness of the techniques are shown in two experiments. First, it is shown that the techniques can delay and mitigate ransomware on real IoT devices. Secondly, in a broader scope, the solution was confronted with 14 ransomware samples, highlighting that it can save 97% of the files

    CyberSpec: Intelligent Behavioral Fingerprinting to Detect Attacks on Crowdsensing Spectrum Sensors

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    Integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) is a novel paradigm using crowdsensing spectrum sensors to help with the management of spectrum scarcity. However, well-known vulnerabilities of resource-constrained spectrum sensors and the possibility of being manipulated by users with physical access complicate their protection against spectrum sensing data falsification (SSDF) attacks. Most recent literature suggests using behavioral fingerprinting and Machine/Deep Learning (ML/DL) for improving similar cybersecurity issues. Nevertheless, the applicability of these techniques in resource-constrained devices, the impact of attacks affecting spectrum data integrity, and the performance and scalability of models suitable for heterogeneous sensors types are still open challenges. To improve limitations, this work presents seven SSDF attacks affecting spectrum sensors and introduces CyberSpec, an ML/DL-oriented framework using device behavioral fingerprinting to detect anomalies produced by SSDF attacks affecting resource-constrained spectrum sensors. CyberSpec has been implemented and validated in ElectroSense, a real crowdsensing RF monitoring platform where several configurations of the proposed SSDF attacks have been executed in different sensors. A pool of experiments with different unsupervised ML/DL-based models has demonstrated the suitability of CyberSpec detecting the previous attacks within an acceptable timeframe

    GuardFS: a File System for Integrated Detection and Mitigation of Linux-based Ransomware

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    Although ransomware has received broad attention in media and research, this evolving threat vector still poses a systematic threat. Related literature has explored their detection using various approaches leveraging Machine and Deep Learning. While these approaches are effective in detecting malware, they do not answer how to use this intelligence to protect against threats, raising concerns about their applicability in a hostile environment. Solutions that focus on mitigation rarely explore how to prevent and not just alert or halt its execution, especially when considering Linux-based samples. This paper presents GuardFS, a file system-based approach to investigate the integration of detection and mitigation of ransomware. Using a bespoke overlay file system, data is extracted before files are accessed. Models trained on this data are used by three novel defense configurations that obfuscate, delay, or track access to the file system. The experiments on GuardFS test the configurations in a reactive setting. The results demonstrate that although data loss cannot be completely prevented, it can be significantly reduced. Usability and performance analysis demonstrate that the defense effectiveness of the configurations relates to their impact on resource consumption and usability

    A Supervised ML Biometric Continuous Authentication System for Industry 4.0

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    Continuous authentication (CA) is a promising approach to authenticate workers and avoid security breaches in the industry, especially in Industry 4.0, where most interaction between workers and devices takes place. However, introducing CA in industries raises the following unsolved questions regarding machine learning (ML) models: its precision and performance; its robustness; and the issue about if or when to retrain the models. To answer these questions, this article explores these issues with a proposed supervised versus nonsupervised ML-based CA system that uses sensors, applications statistics, or speaker data collected by the operator’s devices. Experiments show supervised models with equal error rates of 7.28% using sensors data, 9.29% with statistics, and 0.31% with voice, a significant improvement of 71.97, 62.14, and 97.08%, respectively, over unsupervised models. Voice is the most robust dimension when adding new workers, with less than 2% of false acceptance rate even if workforce size is doubled

    Trust-as-a-Service: A reputation-enabled trust framework for 5G network resource provisioning

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    Trust, security, and privacy are three of the major pillars to assemble the fifth-generation network and beyond. Despite such pillars are principally interconnected, a multitude of challenges arise that need to be addressed separately. 5G networks ought to offer flexible and pervasive computing capabilities across multiple domains according to user demands and assure trustworthy network providers. To this end, distributed marketplaces expect to boost the trading of heterogeneous resources so as to enable the establishment of pervasive service chains between cross-domains. Yet, the need for selecting reliable parties as “marketplace operators” plays a pivotal role in achieving a trustworthy ecosystem. Two of the principal blockages in managing foreseeable networks are the need to consider trust as a property in the resource provisioning process and adapt previous trust models to accomplish the new network and business requirements. In this regard, this article is centered on the trust management of 5G multi-party network resource provisioning. As a result, a reputation-based trust framework is proposed as a Trust-as-a-Service (TaaS) solution for a distributed multi-stakeholder environment where requirements such as zero trust and zero-touch principles should be met. Besides, a literature review is also conducted to recognize the network and business requirements currently envisaged. Finally, the validation of the proposed trust framework was performed in a real research environment, the 5GBarcelona testbed, leveraging 12% of a 2.1 GHz CPU with 20 cores and 2% of the 30 GiB memory. These outcomes reveal the TaaS solution’s feasibility and conservative approach in the context of determining reliable network operators

    LwHBench: A low-level hardware component benchmark and dataset for Single Board Computers

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    In today's computing environment, where Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data processing are moving toward the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Edge computing paradigm, benchmarking resource-constrained devices is a critical task to evaluate their suitability and performance. The literature has extensively explored the performance of IoT devices when running high-level benchmarks specialized in particular application scenarios, such as AI or medical applications. However, lower-level benchmarking applications and datasets that analyze the hardware components of each device are needed. This low-level device understanding enables new AI solutions for network, system and service management based on device performance, such as individual device identification, so it is an area worth exploring more in detail. In this paper, we present LwHBench, a low-level hardware benchmarking application for Single-Board Computers that measures the performance of CPU, GPU, Memory and Storage taking into account the component constraints in these types of devices. LwHBench has been implemented for Raspberry Pi devices and run for 100 days on a set of 45 devices to generate an extensive dataset that allows the usage of AI techniques in different application scenarios. Finally, to demonstrate the inter-scenario capability of the created dataset, a series of AI-enabled use cases about device identification and context impact on performance are presented as examples and exploration of the published data

    Can Evil IoT Twins Be Identified? Now Yes, a Hardware Behavioral Fingerprinting Methodology

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    The connectivity and resource-constrained nature of IoT, and in particular single-board devices, opens up to cybersecurity concerns affecting the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). One of the most important is the presence of evil IoT twins. Evil IoT twins are malicious devices, with identical hardware and software configurations to authorized ones, that can provoke sensitive information leakages, data poisoning, or privilege escalation in industrial scenarios. Combining behavioral fingerprinting and Machine/Deep Learning (ML/DL) techniques is a promising solution to identify evil IoT twins by detecting minor performance differences generated by imperfections in manufacturing. However, existing solutions are not suitable for single-board devices because they do not consider their hardware and software limitations, underestimate critical aspects during the identification performance evaluation, and do not explore the potential of ML/DL techniques. Moreover, there is a dramatic lack of work explaining essential aspects to considering during the identification of identical devices. This work proposes an ML/DL-oriented methodology that uses behavioral fingerprinting to identify identical single-board devices. The methodology leverages the different built-in components of the system, comparing their internal behavior with each other to detect variations that occurred in manufacturing processes. The validation has been performed in a real environment composed of identical Raspberry Pi 4 Model B devices, achieving the identification for all devices by setting a 50% threshold in the evaluation process. Finally, a discussion compares the proposed solution with related work and provides important lessons learned and limitations